Each of my classmates gave a brief presentation about a person who was either anti slavery or pro slavery. It was very interesting listening to each of their presentations about a different historical person. One of the most interesting one to me was Abraham Lincoln being antislavery. I did Abraham as proslavery which explained why the oral presentation given showed how Lincoln's viewpoint changed throughout his presidency. Lincoln was against slavery and made a decision to free all slaves as he was running for president. In comparison to mine, Abraham Lincoln actually wanted to send the slaves back to their own country since he thought they did not belong in America. Lincoln is known as the president who freed the slaves in the United States.
Another presentation that I found interesting, was Fredrick Douglass. He escaped from slavery in Maryland and then became a national leader of abolitionist movement in New York and Massachusetts. Douglass also had antislavery writings. His goal was to find a way to end the practice of slavery. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. The 14th gained citizenship to African Americans, while the 15th gave blacks the right to vote. These amendments reconstructed the Constitution.
Lastly, Thomas Jefferson was another presentation that I learned a lot about. He was antislavery and one of the founding fathers. "All men are created equal" stated Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson also became the 3rd president of the United States. Thomas Jefferson is mostly known as the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Another presentation that I found interesting, was Fredrick Douglass. He escaped from slavery in Maryland and then became a national leader of abolitionist movement in New York and Massachusetts. Douglass also had antislavery writings. His goal was to find a way to end the practice of slavery. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. The 14th gained citizenship to African Americans, while the 15th gave blacks the right to vote. These amendments reconstructed the Constitution.
Lastly, Thomas Jefferson was another presentation that I learned a lot about. He was antislavery and one of the founding fathers. "All men are created equal" stated Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson also became the 3rd president of the United States. Thomas Jefferson is mostly known as the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence.
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